“A labyrinth is a symbolic journey...but it is a map we can really walk on, blurring the difference between map and world.”
~ Rebecca Solnit, Wanderlust: A History of Walking



Labyrinths have been used worldwide for over 4,000 years. They represent pilgrimages, symbols of a journey both inward and outward. The single path labyrinth allows you to enter a space where you can feel safe and vulnerable. Unlike a maze, a labyrinth is not a problem to be solved. There are no decisions to be made. You just experience a walking meditation knowing the path will take you safely to the center and when you are ready, it will lead you back out into the world.

Walking the labyrinth can help us with challenges in quieting our minds and be a tool for prayer and meditation to help us be more centered with our thoughts. Walking it requires an open heart and an open mind.

I have walked labyrinths both here and abroad and have found them to be an incredible tool both for my spiritual and creatives lives. If you are interested in learning more, I can work with you, either individually or through a workshop, to help you learn how to incorporate labyrinth walks into your life.

Here are ways I can facilitate a labyrinth walk for you or your group:

Labyrinth Workshop

This is a one and a half hour workshop that includes:

  • teaching the history of the labyrinth both as a spiritual and creative tool
  • presentation of labyrinth etiquette and guidelines for walking
  • a one hour group labyrinth walk
  • a time for journaling and a discussion of the experience.
  • a discussion of how to continue to incorporate labyrinth walks into your spiritual and creative life

Provided for Labyrinth Workshop:

  • Labyrinth Facilitator
  • Information packets for participants

Fee: $250. If outside of middle Tennessee, travel expenses. Please feel free to contact me to discuss any additional expenses.


Community Labyrinth Walk

Community Labyrinth Walk focuses less on presentation and more on experience. It includes:  

  • A block of time in which participants can come and go as they wish
  • A labyrinth facilitator to answer questions one on one during the block of time

Provided for Community Labyrinth Walk:

  • Labyrinth Facilitator
  • Information packets for participants
  • One on one interaction with facilitator to answer questions and give guidance

Fee: $85 per hour with a two hour minimum, plus travel expenses if outside of middle Tennessee.

If travel is involved, then we’ll work together to identify a local labyrinth. If one cannot be identified, then we’ll need to identify a facility and rent a labyrinth for the day. Again, contact me to discuss arrangements and any additional expenses.